How to:
- Find 2 small, empty boxes or other square objects that can be used to toss and roll around. Empty tissue boxes work well.
- Wrap them with paper.
- On one dice, write numbers. You can choose numbers 1-6 or higher numbers for more physical activity.
- On the other dice, write different activities (see the ideas below).
- Take turns rolling the two dice. Do each activity the number of times shown on the dice, then roll again!
Have fun and let the dice fall as they may!
Possible activities to do:
- Jumping jacks
- Frog jumps
- Wall sits
- Push ups
- Sit ups
- March in place
- Hop like a bunny
- High knees
- Butt kickers
- Toe touches
- Arm circles
- Squats
- Run in place
- Hop on one leg, then the other
- Pretend hula hoop