National School Lunch Program
After COVID-19 hit, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) became free for all students, regardless of familial income. This was made possible through waivers, which were renewed several times since 2020. On June 30, 2022, the waiver for universal free school lunch and breakfast through the NSLP ended, which means that for academic year 2022-2023, families will once again need to pay for meals. In coordination with the Child Nutrition Program through the Wyoming Department of Education, CNP is trying to spread the word about the change and encourage all families to apply for free and reduced-cost meals. We invite you to join us in this effort and have put together a media kit of information that can be shared on social media, printed, and given to families. Find the media kit below.
Social Media Graphics
Download a series of 9 social media graphics optimized for Facebook and Instagram. Posts are designed for families with kids just starting kindergarten all the way through high school. See below for example social media posts that coordinate with these graphics.
Social Media Sample Posts
Download a document of exmple social media posts that coordinate with the graphics above. Posts are written for families with kids in K-12 schools and have suggested graphics listed.
Print Materials
Download a series of 3 posters, size 8.5″x11″, for print. Posters are designed for families with children starting school for the first time, elementary school, and middle/high school.