Simply Cent$ible Nutrition
About the Curriculum
Simply Cent$ible Nutrition is an adult direct education intervention designed to help individuals and families with limited resources shop, cook, and eat healthier on a budget. Nutrition educators guide participants through the 8-lesson hands-on series. Each lesson includes cooking a new recipe, physical activities, and interactive activities that help participants build skills and knowledge related to eating healthy, physical activity, food resource management, and food safety. Lessons are based on MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
The 8 lessons are:
- A New Beginning
- Keeping Food Safe
- Building a Healthy Plate
- The Secret to Good Health
- Fuel Your Lifestyle
- Cent$ible Shopping
- Simple Savings
- Small Steps, Big Wins
Simply Cent$ible Nutrition is part of the SNAP-Ed Toolkit. More information can be found here.
Intervention Materials
Materials for this intervention include:
- Curriculum binder
- 8 lessons, each includes:
- Detailed lesson plans
- Recipes
- Physical activities
- Background information and resources
- 8 lessons, each includes:
- Teaching materials for use during lessons
- Activity cards
- Visuals
- Posters
- PowerPoint presentations
- Evaluation tools
- This curriculum is designed to work in coordination with the EFNEP Adult Questionnaire
- Participant materials
- Handouts*
- Activity sheets*
- Suggested reinforcement items
- Suggested Cent$ible Nutrition Program cookbook**
* These are given to implementing programs to as digital files to print as needed. A print release is included in the purchase of intervention materials for this purpose. The curriculum and teaching materials come as a printed set.
** Contact us for information about the Cent$ible Nutrition Program cookbook and options for ordering.
Contact the Cent$ible Nutrition Program to learn more about adopting this intervention, cost, and to order. Discounts may apply for bulk orders.
Phone: 307-766-5375