Sidewalk Stencils: Mirror Me
Mirror Me • 2 people
- Players decide who will be the leader.
- Both players start with their feet on the feet in the center of their circle.
- The leader starts by stepping on one of the surrounding shapes. The other player then steps on the same shape in their circle.
- The leader then steps on the first shape again and chooses another shape. The second player follows. The game continues with the leader adding a new step to the pattern each time until one of them can’t follow the pattern, then they switch leaders.
Example steps
- Both feet on feet then left foot on triangle
- Both feet on feet then left foot on triangle then right foot on diamond
- Both feet on feet then left foot on triangle then right foot on diamond then left foot on shamrock
- Both feet on feet then left foot on triangle then right foot on diamond then left foot on shamrock then right foot on circle
Mirror Twister • 3 Players
This game works best with someone calling actions for the players.
- The players start with their feet on the center feet.
- The caller says a body part and a shape. The players move to put the body part on the shape.
- The callers says the next move and players follow, keeping their position from the first call.
- When someone falls, they become the caller and the game is played again.
- Right hand to yellow triangle
- Left foot to orange heart
- Right foot to green diamond
- Right hand to feet