Cent$ible Nutrition News • October 2020 • Volume 24 | Number 1
It is hunting season in Wyoming and this year, even if you are not a hunter, you can enjoy the harvest due to a new program from Wyoming Hunger Initiative (WHI). The program, called Food from the Field, connects donated game meat to food pantries around the state. Food pantries then provide the game meat to their patrons.
“As one of the only states with a strong hunting tradition that lacked a statewide game donation program, I had high hopes for an enthusiastic response from hunters when we launched Food from the Field this year,” said Wyoming’s First Lady, Jennie Gordon, who founded WHI. “It has far exceeded my expectations!”
The Cent$ible Nutrition Program (CNP) is partnering with the WHI to provide recipe booklets to go with the game meat. The booklet, Cooking Game Meat, includes 15 easy recipes.
“We are excited to be partnering with Wyoming Hunger Initiative and our community food pantries on this project,” said Mindy Meuli, Director of CNP. “Game meat is a great, lean source of protein and works well with so many of our recipes.”
Food from the Field is just a few weeks into the donation process, but things are going well. So far, hunters have donated over 1,200 pounds of meat.
“The program is doing awesome here,” said Sierra Mitchell, Director of the Afton Food Pantry. “We are excited to introduce game meat to patrons via Shelley Balls, with the Cent$ible Nutrition Program, who is coming to do a taste test next week.”
CNP educators around the state are planning tastings, as COVID-19 safety procedures allow. They will also have the recipe booklet available for food pantries at the end of October.
Food from the Field is a collaborative effort between Wyoming Hunger Initiative, Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies, and participating meat processors, as well as Wyoming hunters who donate game meat. Donated meat is processed by partner meat processors in the state. It is then shared with the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies, which distributes it to local food pantries. All donated game meat from this program undergoes Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) testing to ensure it is safe before it goes out for donation.
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October's Feature Recipe

Game Meat Stroganoff
In the Kitchen with CNP
Every month on Facebook CNP focuses on a different food. This month, CNP is sharing pasta facts, recipes, and more. Check out In the Kitchen with CNP to learn more!