The Cent$ible Nutrition Program is fortunate to have great partnerships across the state with organizations such a University of Wyoming Extension, food pantries, community gardens, Wyoming Hunger Initiative, and more. Together, we work on projects that help make our communities the healthiest they can be. This is our space to share successes from across the state.

Nurturing Community Through Nutrition Incentives at the Farmers Market
September 2024- A new program at the Evanston Farmers Market increased access to fresh produce for people with limited resources. The program, called Market Bucks, was a collaboration between the farmers market, a local food pantry, the Cent$ible Nutrition Program (CNP), and local businesses.

Growing New Roots at the Linford School Garden
September 2024-The garden at Linford Elementary School in Laramie has been there for many years, but for the last few, it’s been dormant. All of that changed this year when Linford librarian Stefanie Hunt connected with Cent$ible Nutrition Program (CNP) educator Ruth Lake.

Electric Pressure Cookers Key to New Program Combating Food Insecurity in Wyoming
September 2024-As an inexpensive, nutritious, and shelf-stable source of protein, dry beans are often found in food pantries. At a glance, they’re a great way to improve nutrition and food security. However, dry beans have a downside: They typically require significant time to cook, which can be a challenge, especially at high altitudes.

Third Annual Potato Harvest Yields 13,000 Pounds of Potatoes
October 2023- Over 13,000 pounds of potatoes from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center made their way to food pantries around Wyoming after the 3rd Annual Potato Harvest.