Stories from 2020
The Cent$ible Nutrition Program is fortunate to have great partnerships across the state with organizations such a University of Wyoming Extension, food pantries, community gardens, and more. Together, we work on projects that help make our communities the healthiest they can be. This is our space to share successes from across the state.

Healthy Donations Campaign Supports Basin Food Pantry
December 2020- A new healthy food donation campaign in Basin is working to provide healthy food options for clients of the Basin Food Pantry. Read more.

Branching Out: CNP Explores New Ways to Offer Programming
October 2020- In Laramie County, a CNP educator is teaching classes online to clients at partner agencies with plans to start more this fall. Read more.

Fresh food donation, collection efforts benefit Laramie County residents
September 2020- In Laramie County, CNP and the Cheyenne Rotary After Hours Club are working together to coordinate fresh food donations to Needs Inc., a food pantry, that helps store and distribute the produce. Read more.

Growing Green Thumbs in Laramie County (A COVID-19 Story)
June 2020- In Laramie County, six early care and education centers are working with CNP educators to start gardens. Involving kids in gardening is a great way to encourage kids to try new foods and be active. Read more.

Community Gardening for Resilience in Sheridan (A COVID-19 Story)
June 2020- In 2019, CNP educator Lori Dickinson, the Sheridan County Extension Office, and community members started a community garden. The garden is set to grow again this year with the goal of helping support the community in light of the impact of COVID-19. Read more.

Bringing Community Together in Platte County (A COVID-19 Story)
May 2020- When COVID-19 shut down Wyoming in March 2020, CNP educator Mary Evans reached out to her community partners to create digital resources to bring her community together. Read more.

Billboards Promote Health & Fitness on the Wind River Indian Reservation
April 2020- Two billboards featuring a Native American in full traditional dance regalia is helping share a message about the importance of health and physical activity one Wind River Indian Reservation. Read more.