Stories from 2021
The Cent$ible Nutrition Program is fortunate to have great partnerships across the state with organizations such a University of Wyoming Extension, food pantries, community gardens, Wyoming Hunger Initiative, and more. Together, we work on projects that help make our communities the healthiest they can be. This is our space to share successes from across the state.

September 2021- Potatoes from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center made their way to food pantries around Wyoming due to a new partnership.

Stencils at St. Stephens Indian School
May 2021- CNP partnered with St. Stephens Indian School to add physical activity stencils to the playground.

April 2021- Wyoming Hunger Initiative, CNP and the University of Wyoming Extension (UWE) are partnering on a new program called Grow a Little Extra.

April 2021- CNP, UW Extension, and the Master Gardeners program are new partners on the Grow Our Own gardening efforts on the Wind River Indian Reservation.

March 2021- In Natrona County, CNP educators worked with the Wyoming Food for Thought Project to provide CNP Master Mix in spring break food bags.