Apricot Scones
These decadent scones have been tested across Wyoming and bake well at high altitudes.
These decadent scones have been tested across Wyoming and bake well at high altitudes.
Use apricots or your favorite canned fruit for a simple, flavorful dessert you can pair with low-fat frozen yogurt.
Vegetable Beef Soup makes a quick, filling meal on cold winter days.
This is a quick and easy recipe to satisfy your potato chip cravings. Add your favorite seasonings for a sweet or savory flavor.
Follow the recipe or add your favorite protein and frozen vegetables for a creative casserole.
* The Cent$ible Nutrition Program is funded by USDA SNAP-Ed and EFNEP. SNAP-Ed assists individuals and families who receive, or are eligible to receive, benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). EFNEP assists families and youth with limited resources in acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and changed behaviors necessary for nutritionally sound diets and contributes to their personal development and the improvement of total family diet and nutritional welfare. Visit our Qualify page to learn more.
This material was funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – SNAP. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. This material was funded by USDA’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program-EFNEP. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The full nondiscrimination statement can be found here.
Issued in furtherance of extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Kelly Crane, Director, University of Wyoming Extension, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming Extension, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071.
The University of Wyoming is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.